The 3rd “Science Fair for Economy” was held on 5th December 2019.

The theme of this fair was socially responsible digitization. Representatives of the highest state and scientific institutions spoke at the fair about the importance of digitization: State Secretary for Science, Prof. Vladimir Popovic, Provincial Secretary for Higher Education and Scientific Research, Prof. Zoran Milosevic, representatives of the Rectorate of the University of Novi Sad and a representative of our Faculty Vice-Dean, Prof. Marko Stojanović.

In the competition part of the Fair, the digital solution created at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Novi Sad was presented by Dr. Darinka Korovljev and Ass. Prof. Jovan Vukovic. The team of our Faculty won the 2nd place in the competition of 25 digital design solutions, for creating the software for assessing the physical capacity of older people. Congratulations to the FSPE team!